Tailpage stopt ermee

Tailpage behaalde een top 3 positie in de Deloittes Rising Star-competitie 2021! De competitie wordt jaarlijks gehouden voor jonge, innoverende en veelbelovende Belgische tech-bedrijven.


Every year, Deloitte organises the Technology Fast 50 competition. This competition puts 50 growing Belgian tech companies in the spotlight. Deloitte's aim is to show support for the companies investing in tomorrow's technology. Tailpage has been selected as one of the ten finalists and is in the running to win the Rising Star title. Something we are obviously looking forward to with immense pride! 

Deloitte's Rising Star


There are two sub-categories within Deloitte's Fast 50 competition: the Industry Category and the Rising Star Category. Tailpage is competing in the Rising Star category. The Rising Star is awarded to companies that have been active for less than 4 years and where the jury sees great potential in terms of growth in revenue, scalability and innovative capabilities. The fact that Deloitte can discern these qualities in our product is of course a very nice compliment, and we mean that. 


Because since Tailpage's inception in 2020, we continue to learn and innovate. As such, every project represents a unique opportunity to deliver even better, higher quality and more innovative work. The lessons we have learned from our commissions ensure that we are able to keep growing, something that is crucial for any start-up. 

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